A downloadable game

Boberticus R. Corningwell's WIZARD QUEST!!!


The very first game developed solely by StarziiButNot.

          Boberticus R. Corningwell's WIZARD QUEST!!! is a short platformer with 3 planned levels about a lil' wizard man on a journey to get a *magic* jar of *magic* jam to spread on his *not so magic* toast. Boberticus's primary objective is to reach his local supermarket "Le Wallemarte" and get the prophecied *magic* jam!


  • Moving!!! (Exciting!)
  • Shooting!!! (EVEN MORE EXCITING!)
  • An undetermined amount of enemy types!!! (Somewhat exciting?)
  • *MAGIC* JAM!!! (Nobody even knows what's in this stuff...)
  • Animated sprites!!! (Don't judge my pixel art!!!)
  • 3 STAGES!!! (Yeah! Count em! That's right! THREE!!! Take a minute to process that information if you need it, I won't judge you)
  • A Main Menu!!! (Something never featured in any game before!)


  • Sound Effects!!! (Noisy!!!)
  • Dialogue system with character portraits!!! (I hope you like reading! (don’t worry there won’t be that much))
  • Pause menu!!! (Wait so Boberticus can just stop time and leave when he wants to now?)
  • Working options menu!!! (Ok so now Boberticus can alter reality itself by the click of a button?? This is gonna get out of hand REAL fast)
  • And possibly more to come! I’ll post updates about my plans whenever I decide to add onto this project!

Boberticus R. Corningwell's WIZARD QUEST!!! Doesn't currently have a planned release date but don't expect to wait for it for too long.

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